A new vision in urban commuting
A better way
to get from here to there
(faster and cheaper, reliably and safely)
Concept What is this new vision? How does it differ from mass transit ?
The utility of CityTram is directly related to the density of its 2D network. It will be used more extensively if it goes everywhere (everywhere roads currently go). For this to be feasible it must be inexpensive to construct and maintain. CityTram has been designed with precisely those goals in mind. To a large extent, it is constructed of components which already exist for other mechanical applications. This keeps component costs low and gives a realistic expectation for wear and maintenance performance. It is also designed as much as possible as a modular system. This allows the modular components to be cost effectively manufactured in a factory, and then conveniently moved to and installed on site.
Some examples of this are listed here.
Towers use aluminum alloy truss structures already used for concert and conference staging.
Elevated rail bridge sections are constructed from Schedule 40 aluminum alloy pipes (the cheapest pipe) used in home and building construction, and 2x1 rectangular tubes used in vehicle trailers.
Bogies employ poly covered aluminum hub wheels with closed bearings as commonly used in roller coasters and industrial equipment casters.
Drive trains use bicycle chains and sprockets, and garage door opener hardware for tensioning.
Standard electrical motors, controllers, and drive gearing are used from industrial conveyor suppliers.
User interface terminals in stations and pods use consumer electronics components.